Life after 1972

A rare photo in 1975 shows Tsinghua University’s Jeffersonian auditorium during the Cultural Revolution. The Chinese characters above the main entrance repeat the mantra of the decade: “Long Live Chairman Mao.” Dr. Chang might have noticed this change of scenery during his 1972 visit to Tsinghua.

清华大礼堂 1975 杨思泽.png

The Grand Auditorium at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. 1975. The photo was taken by Yang Size, who led a curious career of his own. Yang was born and raised in Nationalist controlled Taiwan and became a left-leaning student activist at Berkeley. He got a PhD in physics at UC Berkeley in 1978 and joined the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science in mainland China in 1979. Courtesy of Tsinghua University