
June 1901 – Mother Jones writes the article “Civilization in Southern Mills,” about the conditions of child workers in cotton mills in Alabama, for the International Socialist Review.

June 1903 – Jones arrives in Philadelphia to rally support for the textile workers strike there. Her initial efforts make little progress as the strike receives little press coverage.

July 7, 1903 – Jones reveals plans for a children’s march to highlight the child labor issue. While the strike was initially about hours, Jones believed that making child labor a major tenet of the strike would bring more publicity. The march began soon after.

July 15, 1903 – Jones pens a letter to President Theodore Roosevelt that is published in numerous papers seeking his influence in bringing child labor to an end. Roosevelt does not respond to the letter.

July 23, 1903 – The marchers, now numbering around 60, reached Manhattan and paraded down Second Avenue. Jones would give a series of speeches over the next several days.

July 26, 1903 – The marchers are invited to Coney Island, where Jones again speaks and the children are put in cages to symbolize their “slavery” to the mill owners.

July 28, 1903 – Jones and a few marchers go to Roosevelt’s home at Sagamore Hill. His personal secretary, Benjamin Barnes, tells them that the President was not there, and that they should submit their requests in writing.

July 30, 1903 – Following Barnes suggestion, Jones pens another letter to Roosevelt, which is again published in newspapers. It is unclear as to whether the President ever read the letter. Soon after, the textile strike is broken and Jones goes to Colorado to assist in the coal strike there.

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