Mission Helpers, Demetrias to Joseph, September 20, 1901


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Mission Helpers, Demetrias to Joseph, September 20, 1901


From the top of page 6: "I got very much excited and said past what I thought about the grown deaf mutes, Mo. B did not have time to tell me your plans so when I came home I gave the three of them to Sr. Magdalen for our dormitory work, thus giving our colored children time in the morning for study and catechism the three deaf mutes did the work so quietly and well that I was delighted, they had also with this time for prayer etc, when Mo. B told me they had to do the work of the ST. F. X. D. S. I must confess I lost my temper and said our little colored children were worked to death scrubbing from the time they get up until it was time for ironing, and then at the ironing table the balance of the day that I thought we were unjust to them, no catechism no lessons, no wonder they were bad. Mo. B says perhaps Rev. Mother would let them (the deaf mutes) stay in the dormatories, this remark brought me to my senses, I said no we must do what Rev. Mother wishes, I afterwards begged her pardon for my loss of temper, and for any scandal I gave her and told her that my strongest desire was to be submissive although sometimes my tongue got the better of my head, I also said that I feared that our want of Justice in dealing with our colored children might be the means of our losing our vocation amongst them. I am telling you all this my dearest mother to let you see what kind of an assistant you have and how at times I lose control of my tongue this is my only serious offence. Pray for me and forgive me. The three deaf mutes are very good and I think happy they go to confession to Fr. Damion Friday morning and have an hour in chapel day and night. ... We are working hard at our Laundry to get it into shape and I trust with the help of our heavenly patron we will have system, good work, and plenty to do. ..."


The Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart


The Mission Helpers' Collection




September 20, 1901


The Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart, “Mission Helpers, Demetrias to Joseph, September 20, 1901,” American Catholic History Classroom, accessed July 26, 2024, https://cuomeka.wrlc.org/items/show/1276.

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