Mission Helpers, Mother Drexel to Mother Joseph, April 11, 1898



Dublin Core


Mission Helpers, Mother Drexel to Mother Joseph, April 11, 1898



"Easter Monday,
Rev. Mother M. Joseph,
Dear Rev. Mother,

I thank you for your kind Easter greeting; I hope you had a bright and joyous Easter. Yesterday we had quite a storm here raised by Mrs Crawford, the mother of Willette. She came out to see her daughter and on learning that she had been removed to Baltimore raised a scene. Very probably, as soon as circumstances will permit, she will go to see her at your home, and may try to take her from you. But she has no right to the child, as we have the indenture for her; therefore, you need not yield to her entreaties. I have good reason to fear that the child would go to ruin if given up top the mother. Please, do not let Willette go to the parlor to see her mother without being accompanied by a sister. If she could be induced to write a nice letter to her mother saying that she is happy in her new surroundings and asking pardon for all the sorrow she has caused her mother it would be by far the best thing to satisfy Mrs Crawford and prevent further trouble.

I am sending two parcels left by Mrs Crawford for Willette. Kindly, see that she receives everything in both, as I am sure she will inquire of her daughter as soon as she sees her.

With best regards
Sincerely yours in S.H.
M. M. Katharine
April 11, 1898"


The Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart


Mission Helpers' Collection




April 11, 1898


The Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart, “Mission Helpers, Mother Drexel to Mother Joseph, April 11, 1898,” American Catholic History Classroom, accessed July 26, 2024, https://cuomeka.wrlc.org/items/show/1283.

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