About this Site

The "U.S. Catholic Bishops and Immigration" website was created in collaboration between the Department of Migration and Refugee Services of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the American Catholic History Research Center and University Archives at The Catholic University of America.

Dr. Maria Mazzenga, Education Archivist at the ACHRC/UA, supervises, manages, and maintains the American Catholic History Classroom websites. She collaborated on the development and resarch for the content of the "U.S. Bishops and Immigraion" website. Any questions or comments on the website, please contact Dr. Mazzenga at Mazzenga@cua.edu.

Todd Scribner, the Educational Outreach Coordinator for the Department of Migration and Refugee Services at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, collaborated in selecting and researching the content of this site. In addition to his work for the USCCB, he is also pursuing a PhD in religious studies at Catholic University with a specific focus on twentieth century American Catholic political thought. Any questions with regard to USCCB policy and resolutions on immigration, please conact Mr. Scribner at Tscribner@usccb.org.

Joanna Lamb, a PhD candidate in history at CUA and a student archivist for the American Catholic History Classroom website, designed the website pages, collated and revised background texts, and wrote the introductions to the primary documents.

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