Letter from C. M. Depuy to John Burke, May 16, 1921


Immigration Officials at Ellis Island, 1902
Courtesy of the Library of Congress

After writing to W.W. Husband, the Commissioner-General of Immigration, Burke quickly received official recognition of the NCWC from the Department of Labor. As a result, C. M. Depuy, an Immigration Inspector at Ellis Island, wrote to Burke to acknowledge the new standing of the Catholic organization. This brief note invites the NCWC representatives to join the other official agencies on Ellis Island, and gives instructions for their arrival.


Letter from Depuy to Burke


As you read the document, reflect on the following questions:

  • Note Burke's address at the top of the letter, and the name given to his organization. Was the NCWC a nationally-known organization at this time?
  • Why was it important for the NCWC's Bureau of Immigration to have representatives on Ellis Island?